Too Much Purim

Costume day and mishloach manot exchange tomorrow at school. Our Motzei Shabbat looked like this: “I need to give to Tamar, Noa and the new girl Toby tomorrow. She doesn’t have friends yet. I’m her friend. And 3 more girls.” “Noa you were told 1 candy and everyone switches. Read the email from your teacher. …

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Alarm Bell Reality

My phone rings at 8:10am, it’s the school therapists ID. “Are you going south today?” I hear Shoshy ask. “No. I’m going north to Herzliya, near Aba’s work. Why??” “Ima why didn’t you tell me about the bombs?” Blurts out of Shoshy’s mouth. I’m slipping on my shoe and throwing a bag over my shoulder …

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Growing Surprises

These plants just popped up in our garden last night. Literally overnight they sprung from the Earth. They weren’t there yesterday afternoon. Noa spotted them as we were leaving for school. Wonder what they are. So excited to see what blossoms here. I was going to start digging a vegetable garden in this spot. Now …

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